Freitag, 26. Februar 2016




example live Software coding/ programming

WE using for recording small equipment to record the PROJECTOR/ PRESENTER devices.  

For example: 
WE produce videos to recording: software LIVE - PROGRAMMING - steps. 
- ables to show live coding steps.
- publish pics, slides on projector in the video picture in picture.

 info website: greenwoodworx video productionsvideoproduktion und medienproduktion Berlin

Do you want to show other things besides your slides? Its perfect for showing more then slides, when you want to do software programming, live coding or live tutorials for complicated software. visit website: Videoproduktion Berlin

WE RECORD YOUR speaker on live events, combine the presentation and edit the video with titles, designs and publish the videos. greenwoodworx videoproduction for conference. 

in detail: 
  • RECORD with video cameras (broadcast in HD quality) each speaker and talk 
  • recording PROJECTOR/ PRESENTER device signal with small devices, optional
  • or embedding PROJECTOR/ PRESENTER slides (pdf, pictures, powerpoint) in the videos 
  • synchronizing the sound and video - EDIT each video with your design and titles, picture in picture - MANAGING camera men, stuff, sound, managing techniques

Contact: post[@] 
website: greenwoodworx media production


Video Productions, CONFERENCE Works

best praxis video, LIVE CODING, The Qt Company, Qt World Summit 2015

We record your conference !

Contact: post[@] 
website: greenwoodworx media produktion 

Dienstag, 16. Februar 2016

Optimize and performance for Adobe Premiere C4 -CC

Problems and crashes, slowly renderings/ exports
First, the GPU and CPU working together during the renderings! It depends on your footage and your effects. There no 100% CPU power, when you have GTX cards!

1. make sure your GTX card is active in your project
2. your energy setting is set on high power   

is good when:
3. install the Premiere on C Drive, more the 40% free  space, SSD
4. your Premiere Project must be on separate drive
5. you cache files put on an another drive, and export files, too (or an quick USB 3 drive) result is: more then three drives for you work, raid 5 system...
6. defrag your drives, perhaps with O&O defrag program 
7. Proof you drives with tools

1. clean your timeline, delete your unuse /unshown sequences or deactivate  and Preference> Optimized for rendering > Memory !
2. Media Cache clean :  Prefernce > Medien > Media Cache clean 3. Delete Temp  C:\Users\mein_profil_name\AppData\Local\Temp 4. Services deactive,  z.B. antivir (Autoscan), window search, automatic Defrag, u.a. 5. Energy /- options: set on high 6. AMD Processor / - Board: deactive AMD Cool and Quiet  8. Save huge projects in different names 9. Cleaning tools for Windows  (ccleaner, Tune up) 10. automatic save: preference > Save  5 min.  11. Update Grafic and BIOS Software and QuickTime  12. Update Adobe and Windows  14. Error pproheadless.exe Fehler: tutorial pproheadless

HARDWARE - Grafic Card / Memory
1. use GTX Cards, unlist cards by unlock an cuda_supported cards.txt: Studio1 unlock cards
2. Memory system setting in Windows, virtual Memory on, set permanent 1,5 x your memory size

use 7200 rpm drives 
RAID 5 System

HARDWARE - Prozessor
use more then two cores, best performence with i7 processors
Good luck 


Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2016

Frank Lüdecke Kabarett, Videoproduktion 2013

Ausschnitte aus dem Kabarett-Programm:
Frank Lüdecke - die Kunst des Nehmens
Wühlmäuse Berlin, im November 2013

Kamera: Torsten Grünwald, in Zusammenarbeit mit Ton&Bilk Düsseldorf
by greenwoodworx videoproduktionen Berlin

Conference Videoproduction in Berlin, The Qt Company

5 Cameras, 70 Sessions, Screen-/Laptop- Recordings, Qt World Summit 2015, OCTOBER 5-7, BERLIN, Germany,  Qt Training Lessons 

For the production we had used small devides to record the projector signal and speaker with camera for show the coding steps in Qt software.

The Qt Company Production in Oct. 2015

Here the playlist all videos:

An Conference - Videoproduction for the Qt World Summit, Berlin. 70 Sessions recorded,
produced by greenwoodworx - konferenzvideos und videoproduktion Berlin

Empfohlener Beitrag

Videoproduktion Berlin

Wir produzieren professionelle Videos für Konferenzen, Interviews und Imagefilme. Videoproduktionen aus Berlin greenw...